
A mother’s love and hope

After being told the news that nothing more could be done to treat her daughter, Layla who has cancer, Sharyn O'Neill writes:

This is the saddest thing I’ve ever had to write but giving up is for the weak and we all know that Layla is the strongest little angel we know.

My eyes are raw now. I think it must have been one of the hardest things for Layla’s doctors to say: “I am sorry but there is nothing more we can do to save Layla, you and I have done all that we can.”

This is an aggressive tumour that builds its own immune system and builds tolerance to anything that tries to kill it.

I want to change places with my daughter, I want her to live. I want her to meet stupid guys who will break her heart (her brother, Christian will break their legs before that happens).

I want her to find a best friend and go on matric vacation, finish school, and get drunk and buy her own make-up. Instead I have to watch her die slowly. I find this hard to say but these are the facts. I want to thank everyone who has been there for me in the past, the ones currently and those who will be. I just can’t help but wonder if things would be different if I could have just managed to get the money we needed sooner. So now what’s next? We are going to celebrate Layla’s life. I won’t stop fighting for her and I won’t stop looking for a cure.

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  1. Hi there, cancer is not something God cannot cure. There are servants of God who lay hands on the sick and get them healed in line with what the bible teaches.

    Please give me the contacts of this mother.

  2. You should wish more for your precious daughter than to meet a guy who would break her heart and get drunk!!!!!! You should rather have wanted to see her marry a real man who would never let her down, and treat her with respect,and bare you beautiful healthy grand childrens etc, at times like these its best not to hurt over what could have been or the pain, instead, remember all the happy moments,and from here on out, treasure every moment you have to share together, after losing 3 family members to cancer, I learned quickly to remember what made me love them, what they did that made me happy, cause if you don’t the pain will consume every part of your life. We prayer your prayers are answered

  3. Such a heart renching story. This little family must be in all of our prayers.

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