
Roads agency ‘utterly inept’

In response to the article 'Between a road a hard place' (Fourways Review, week ending 28 February 2014), Chartwell resident Keith Horwood writes:

“Bertha Peters-Scheepers has certainly tried her best to spin this story but it is my view that the Johannesburg Roads Agency is being absolutely and utterly ridiculous. We have sent so many pictures through to the roads agency and I am really surprised that they are not enough.

My view is that the huge potholes in 3rd Road were much more of a hazard to motorists than the method the residents used to fix these potholes. At the very least the residents made it possible for people to drive on.

Fixing of potholes is only one of the things undertaken on 3rd Road by the good people of Chartwell South. They also deploy teams of people to clear and take away the huge accumulation of sand and rubbish on 3rd Road and to sweep it clean.

My experience is that the roads agency has been shown to be utterly inept at carrying out their mandate.

I would suggest that the roads agency should not only hang their heads in shame but issue a formal letter of apology to the residents of Chartwell and Farmall, thanking them profusely for their efforts.

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