
Joburg – take some lessons from Cape Town

Louise Welthagen writes:

After spending nearly three weeks in Cape Town on holiday, I could not help but notice how beautifully clean Cape Town streets, pavements and general park areas are kept.

We drove around in so many different areas, and it was noticeable how all areas are kept clean and you very seldom came across a traffic light that is out of order.

On arriving back home, and travelling along William Nicol Drive, I could not help but feel sad when I saw in what a bad state our roads and pavements are in.

This is particularly evident on William Nicol Drive and in the Fourways Crossing area. It is simply disgusting to see the filth lying around and to see the uncut grass.

I just have to ask myself, “What does the municipality actually do?”

Why are no workers sent out to these areas to clean up? The only pretty sight is the grounds around the Montecasino complex, because they outsource the work and it gets paid for by them.

‘Service delivery’ is simply not part of our local council’s vocabulary. What are we paying rates and taxes for if nothing is put back into our community?

Are they waiting for the next Mandela Day to come along and people from the communities get stuck in and clean up the area?

City of Johannesburg, you should hang your heads in shame.

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