
Archers could endanger park users

LONEHILL - I took my dog for a walk in Lonehill Park which borders the Lonehill Shopping Centre and the Lonehill Koppies.

While having a break on a bench, I noticed a lad walking around looking for something. I also noticed that he had a bow strung over his shoulder.

He was soon joined by a second lad, who appeared to be holding a bunch of arrows. They were subsequently joined by a third lad.

When it was time to move on, I enquired what they were looking for. My suspicion that they were looking for an arrow was confirmed. I asked them if it was not irresponsible to be shooting arrows in the park with people and animals walking around. They replied that they were careful 99 percent of the time.

They were shooting the arrows next to a wall nearby a corner. It just takes one person or animal to unexpectedly come around the corner for an accident to happen.

If they were so careful, how come they were not able to locate the arrow that they were looking for?

I also saw a number of security guards walking around. Why did they not confront these lads who were endangering the safety of other users of the park?

I get cold shivers thinking about what could have happened if someone was injured.

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