
Feral cats serve a purpose

BEVERLEY - Sharon says she is saddened by the situation the feral cats at the leaping frog shopping centre find themselves in.

Reading the article, Cats get the boot, the issue surrounding the feral cats really saddens and concerns me.

I am an animal lover and enjoy seeing the cats at the centre. My heart goes out to them because they are innocent and they did not ask for the life they were given.

I live close by and support the centre – but when these cats are removed I will boycott this centre. I will also make it my mission to ensure none of my family and friends go there. I have a fair bit of knowledge about feral cats and they do serve a purpose.

I feed the cats at my husband’s work, which I’ve sterilised. They also keep the rat and mice population down, which is very high in shopping centres.

It was unnecessary to get the health inspectors involved – all that needed to be done was to have the roof fixed and take the necessarily measures to ensure the cats could not get in.

I would have even paid for it if the owner was too stingy. I have seen the cats being fed and have also noticed their ears are clipped, so there must be some saint looking after them.

My concern is what’s going to happen to the cats? Where will the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals take them? Ferals will be euthanised, it’s a known fact.

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