
Tired of clubs going boom in the night

FOURWAYS - I would like to know how our beautiful area of Fourways has become a club starting from Friday night till early hours of Monday morning?

My husband and I have not been able to get a good night’s sleep for the past two to three months. The clubs, pubs and restaurants in the area have full-on rave music playing until 2am every morning. Surely there must be some law that says these guys can’t go from a restaurant/pub into a rave club?

We have had amazing support from the Douglasdale police station, who unfortunately, I’m sure have more important issues than having to drive around Fourways entertainment venues asking them to turn their music down/off.

We even had an officer phone my husband at 1.30am. He came to our house to assist and was overwhelmed by the amount of noise pollution he could hear.

We even had an officer phone my husband at 1.30am. He came to our house to assist and was overwhelmed by the amount of noise pollution he could hear

I commend Douglasdale police officers for helping us out, they have been nothing but helpful and so very pleasant to deal with.

I would love to know how the likes of all these restaurants and pubs are allowed to turn into nightclubs after 9pm?

We are busy building a case and if there are any other residents out there who have the same issues as we do, then please go and complain to the police station. I feel for the guys who live right on Witkoppen Road.

I can only imagine that they must suffer even more then we do. We pay a huge amount in rates and taxes and for what, to have rave music playing in our back garden at ridiculous times in the morning?

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  1. We have had issues with a certain restaurant in Lonehill. On a Sunday night it turns into a full on night club attracting a very young crowd with very loud music. I live 2 complexes away and can hear the music well after midnight. My heart bleeds for the poor souls who live in the apartment block right next door. There is not sufficient parking and have heard that even the other tenants have complained about patrons urinating against their shop fronts and drinking in the parking lot. I am happy for establishments to offer music and alcohol but not when it becomes a disturbance to a residential area.

  2. I complete agree with this letter. There are so many restaurants in Fourways that think they are clubs. Enough is enough- our Ward councillor needs to get involved and action needs to be taken!

  3. You are all over reacting! There are clubs everywhere, not just in Fourways – grow up!

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