
Former Gekco chairman explains his resignation

KYALAMI - Andrew Dicks explains why he resigned as the chairman of Greater Kyalami Conservancy.

This letter is not intended to be divisive or put anyone or any entity in a bad light or standing but the overwhelming response to my resignation from the Greater Kyalami Conservancy committee has dictated that I explain my actions.

This, while trying to protect the on-going integrity, good name and work of the conservancy.

In 2011, Just Environmental Action (JEA) was constituted by a group of people to act as intermediaries between a number of conservancies or residents associations and the city council or provincial departments in order to facilitate introductory services to the correct persons in the correct departments.

At this point, it was welcomed as the conservancy was taking a hard line approach with all development applications and had a reputation of being hard-nosed. As such, it was not welcomed by the city council or province.

There was then a conscious decision last year to change this behaviour in the conservancy to become more reconciliatory. This has mostly been achieved and I believe that the role of the JEA in the conservancy, and the Kyalami resident association, is now superfluous as we have the name and potential to build our own relationships.

I have had numerous meetings with the JEA and senior members of the conservancy, who are also represented on JEA, over the past few months as to the misrepresentation of this dual relationship.

From a conservancy management point of view, this duality became unmanageable over time and to this I failed in getting the JEA to see this on-going state of uncontrollable and unethical misrepresentation as being unsustainable.

As such, I was forced to resign and hope that this action may bring about some clarity and order going forward.

As such, I was forced to resign and hope that this action may bring about some clarity and order going forward

I have addressed only those who have asked, or I believe are in representative positions to know, as to the reasons for my actions and wish those that truly represent Kyalami all the best going forward.

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