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Chrisna and Piere Strydom are champions for Fourways

The couple from Norscot Manor, Fourways donated cash to help establish the new verge garden at the intersection.

Residents of Norscot Manor in Fourways, Chrisna and Piere Strydom, have made significant contributions to the establishment of the new verge garden at the intersection of Leslie Avenue West and Westway Road.

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Their generous donation of R5 000 has been instrumental in funding the project. They have also contributed a stunning and sizable tree aloe, which now serves as the focal point of the garden.

“They are a power couple with big hearts,” said Susan Mottram, a local real estate agent who spearheaded the installation of this garden as an area upliftment project.

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“Chrisna and Piere are champions for being top of their individual games and champions for demonstrating real care for the community and environment they live in. Their generosity is appreciated tremendously. Thank you Chrisna and Piere.”

The implementation of this garden has effectively minimised the unauthorised use of the verge as a parking area, which is against the law, added Mottram. She said it had deterred drivers from cutting across the grassy area to avoid traffic during peak hours on Leslie Avenue West.

“Should you wish to donate a plant compost to this community-funded verge garden, contact me on 082 465 8718, or use my email address: susanm@remax-masters.co.za for more details.”

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