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VOX POP: What do you hope the next elections will achieve?

Fourways Review spoke with a few residents, asking them what they hope the next.

Many people hope that elections will result in their diverse population’s fair and accurate representation. They want their elected representatives to truly reflect their values, concerns, and interests.

Fourways Review spoke with a few residents, asking them What they hope the next election will achieve. This is what they had to say…

Avuzwa Nondabula: In 2024, we are restoring South Africa’s dignity by voting for the DA. The DA is the only party that will save South Africa. The DA stands for clean governance, no corruption, and the rule of law. Vote DA in 2024.
Avuzwa Nondabula: In 2024, we are restoring South Africa’s dignity by voting for the DA. The DA is the only party that will save South Africa. The DA stands for clean governance, no corruption, and the rule of law. Vote DA in 2024.
Luvo Mazele: I think the next elections will achieve the best political party, as the youth is now standing up for their country, they want to see the change and that will make them vote.
Luvo Mazele: I think the next elections will achieve the best political party, as the youth is now standing up for their country, they want to see the change and that will make them vote.
Sphesihle Ngcweka: The 2024 general election will achieve nothing. The ANC is going to win, corruption will persist and nothing will happen.
Sphesihle Ngcweka: The 2024 general election will achieve nothing. The ANC is going to win, corruption will persist and nothing will happen.
Swaphiwe Tulumani: I am looking to the 2024 election because I want to vote the ANC out of power in Gauteng, and hopefully, nationally as well. The ANC is ruining this country, day-by-day. If we could vote ANC out next year, and put in a party that has more educated people and youth things would change.
Swaphiwe Tulumani: I am looking to the 2024 election because I want to vote the ANC out of power in Gauteng, and hopefully, nationally as well. The ANC is ruining this country, day-by-day. If we could vote ANC out next year, and put in a party that has more educated people and youth things would change.

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