
Safeguard Your Home Appliances from Load-shedding

Load-shedding is not just an inconvenience anymore, it's a real threat to your household appliances.

Load-shedding has become an unfortunate reality for South Africans, disrupting daily life and causing untold damage to household appliances. The situation has prompted many families to explore alternative energy solutions, such as solar panels, inverters, and gas-powered systems. But the question remains: How can you protect your appliances from the damaging effects of load-shedding?

Kefilwe Mamabolo, a leading authority from PerfectFix Appliance Repair – a company boasting over 15 years in the appliance repair industry – stresses the critical need for proactive measures. “The frequency and severity of load-shedding are on the rise. It’s not just an inconvenience anymore; it’s a real threat to your household appliances,” she cautions.

Insurance companies are also adjusting their policies in response to the growing issue. Anneli Retief, the head of Dialdirect Insurance, states that claims for power surge-related damages have doubled since 2018. What’s more alarming is that many insurance policies no longer cover these types of damages.

Alarming Statistics

A 2023 study by TrendER/infoQuest unveiled some startling figures:

74% of South Africans have suffered damage to at least one household appliance due to load-shedding, up from 57% in 2022.  Instances of spoiled food due to refrigerator failures have spiked from 50% to 67% within just one year.

The Science Behind the Damage

John Doe elaborates on how load-shedding wreaks havoc on your appliances. “Voltage fluctuations during load-shedding can severely impair the electronic components of your devices. The risk multiplies when power is restored, as the sudden voltage surge can overload sensitive appliances like TVs.”

Appliances Most at Risk

Refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances that rely on a consistent power supply are particularly vulnerable. “Extended power outages can lead to mechanical failures and spoilage, causing not just inconvenience but also financial loss,” adds Doe.

Actionable Tips to Protect Your Appliances

1.Unplug to Protect: Disconnect sensitive electronics like televisions, computers, and microwaves to shield them from potential power surges.

Surge Protectors: Invest in high-quality surge protectors that can handle the electrical demands of your household. These devices are not foolproof but offer a significant layer of protection.

Smart Planning: Use apps that provide load-shedding schedules to preemptively turn off your appliances. Wait for a few minutes after power restoration before turning them back on and do so one at a time to avoid overloading the circuit.

Backup Power Solutions: An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) or a generator can be a lifesaver. While the initial investment is high, the long-term benefits are substantial.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly mitigate the risks posed by load-shedding. “If you ever find yourself in a bind, remember that Perfect Fix is just a phone call away,” assures Kefilwe Mamabolo.

Facing issues with your home appliances? PerfectFix specialises in washing machine repair in Fourways. Discover more about our repair services and ensure your appliances are in perfect working condition.

Contact PerfectFix on 010 065 2667 34 Kokkewiet R, Randpark Ridge Randburg, 2169

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