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Netcare warns of fake online job offers, and advises how to find the real thing

Jobseekers are urged to thoroughly check job posts to avoid being victims of scams under the name of Netcare. Lynne O’Connor, from the hospital, highlights the red flags to be on the lookout for.

Netcare Sunninghill Hospital has issued a renewed warning to the public regarding job and training offer scams advertised on social media platforms or via SMS, WhatsApp, or email.

Lynne O’Connor, Netcare spokesperson, says the company is aware of ongoing unauthorised use of Netcare’s branding in fraudulent scam advertisements, often with the aim of soliciting money from the public.

Read more: Arrive alive says NetcarePlus to the community

“Applicants are asked to send payment as a part of their application, with a promise of either employment or training, but are then defrauded of their money.”

She said the hospital does not recruit or advertise jobs, learnerships, or internships in this manner, and urges the public to be vigilant about any such offers, as they do not originate from Netcare.

Those who wish to apply and join the world class healthcare facility, which is offering multidisciplinary medical and surgical services, must always visit their website: www.netcare.co.za, and find the jobs listed under, ‘Careers/Vacancies’.

This is not the first time that the hospital has issued a stern warning to jobseekers about fake job adverts. O’Connor pointed out last year some of the red flags for job seekers to lookout for, so they know a job post is a scam.

Also read: Netcare warns jobseekers and offers these tips

“The application form asks for your banking details and only a cellular number is supplied for enquiries, claiming that the landline is, ‘out of order’. A dream job is promised without the need for you to be interviewed. Payment may be requested from you upfront for so-called administration purposes.

“Interviews are conducted somewhere other than Netcare’s head office or a Netcare facility. The payment is suggested as being facilitated via a cellular telephone number at a money market facility such as a supermarket.”

She said this is an ongoing concern and not limited to this specific hospital. Members of the public can also contact the Netcare Human Resources Shared Services Centre on 086 022 5547 to find out whether a job or training opportunity is legitimate.

“We strongly caution job seekers not to make any payment to secure employment, a job interview, learnership, or internship where the name of Netcare is used,” O’Connor concluded.

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