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Challenges faced by the youth

Local youths share issues and challenges that they go through daily.

As the world evolves at an unprecedented pace, the youth of today face countless issues and challenges that threaten to shape their future.

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is never easy, but in today’s society, young people are confronting a multitude of issues that test their resilience, adaptability, and sense of identity.

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Chichi Juan.
Chichi Juan.

From navigating the complexities of mental health issues, unemployment, substance abuse, violence, crime, social media pressure, and lack of access to education and healthcare.

Lack of job opportunities and drug abuse
According to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey from Stat SA, unemployment rates among youth are often higher than those for the general population, with many graduates entering the workforce without stable jobs or career prospects. This can lead to financial stress, low self-esteem, and a sense of hopelessness.

“Youth are facing unemployment and they often resort to substance abuse such as excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking for escapism. They think they are enjoying their youth and they are ‘happy’ because they can dance and have fun, but the truth is they are living for a temporary pleasure due to the stressful factors and challenges that come with adulting,” said Octavia Maserole Masipa.

Mental health issues
According to the World Health Organisation, one in four young people experience a mental health disorder each year. Mental health issues are a significant concern among young people. Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are just a few of the many mental health issues that young people face.

Thandiwe Karabelo Mankayi.
Thandiwe Karabelo Mankayi.

“Another is academics; they end up getting depressed due to pressure from home and their expectations. Or they generally want to give up on school cause of a lack of support or feeling incapable of performing well academically.” Thandiwe Karabelo Mankayi.

Financial struggles
Financial struggles are another major concern for young people. Many are burdened by student loan debt, making it difficult to start their careers or build a life beyond their student years.

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“Starting with unemployment that leads to financial struggles, leading to the youth being in relationships for money to maintain their lifestyles. Student loan debt is also a contributing issue to the beginning of a financial struggle for most youth,” said Jeneaver Chiloane.

Octavia Maserole Masipa.
Octavia Maserole Masipa.

Social media pressure
Social media has become a major source of stress for many young people. The constant comparison to others and the pressure to present a perfect online persona can take a toll on mental health.

“Youth today face a variety of challenges due to increased competition and higher standards. Youth are often pressured to live up to certain standards set upon them which causes mental issues. This results in unhealthy competition, jealousy, and untrue friendships. Furthermore, youth cannot always make their own choices,” said Chichi Juan,

Lack of representation
Many young people also feel like they lack representation in their communities and society as a whole.

Jeneaver Chiloane.
Jeneaver Chiloane.

“Based on personal experience and what I’ve seen happening to the youth around me, I would say common factors that affect the youth include challenges related to backgrounds, peer pressure, lack of self-esteem or confidence, and financial constraints.

“Youth from diverse backgrounds may face discrimination, inequality, and limited opportunities, which can impact their overall well-being and success. Peer pressure can lead to risky behaviours, substance abuse, and mental health issues among young individuals,” said Noxolo Tshepiso Ncube.

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