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Christine brings colour into the coffee shop

Christine Nicholson introduces a unique blend of creativity with caffeine for local art lovers.

Meet Christine Nicholson (35), an art teacher with a passion for fine arts who has launched Art and Coffee Club, a Monday morning art class that combines creativity with caffeine.

The Art and Coffee Club takes place every Monday at the DC Coffee Shop in Fourways. She said this is where students enjoy a free cup of coffee while exploring their artistic side under her guidance.

Read more: Local coffee shop provides a kind space for all

Christine Nicholson.
Christine Nicholson.

The class is designed for retired individuals with a passion for art or who want to take up a new hobby and those with flexible schedules who want to pursue their creative interests, said Nicholson. She started her journey when she was still in high school.

Christine Nicholson.
Christine Nicholson.

“I did art as a subject at high school and I have always enjoyed art and drawing. I then studied interior design at the University of Johannesburg after completing my matric. But, initially, I pursued a career in interior design. After realising it wasn’t the right fit for me, I decided to follow my passion for fine arts and became a teacher.”

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Nicholson decided to take a leap of faith to pass the baton to art lovers alike. She said she wanted to create a space where art lovers could come together and explore their creativity in a relaxed and inspiring environment.

Some of Christine Nicholsons art work.
Some of Christine Nicholsons art work.

“My goal is to provide a platform where my students can express themselves, learn from each other, and have fun while doing so,” Nicholson explained how her classes are different from the traditional art class. “I aim to boost confidence in every student, helping them become the best artist they can be.”

Some of Christine Nicholson art work.
Some of Christine Nicholson art work.

To stay inspired and ahead of time, Nicholson is always on the lookout for new trends and techniques and uses social media to stay up to date and attend gallery shows for local and international artists.

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