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Taxi Association proposes a solution to parking issues in Fourways

After months of frustration, the Alexandra Taxi Association has proposed a solution to the parking chaos bothering Fourways residents and motorists.

Alexandra Taxi Association has come up with a solution to address the parking issue in Fourways. Published in an article [Week ending June 7] Fourways residents and motorists are fed up with the poor parking habits of taxi drivers, causing frustration and traffic on the road. This is especially prevalent at the corner of Root Street and Fourways Boulevard.

Read more: Residents are fed up with taxi drivers poor parking in Fourways

The issue has been ongoing for months, and despite efforts to address it, the situation remained unchanged. However, in a surprise move, the Alexandra Taxi Association has proposed a solution to the problem.

Fourways parking area.
Fourways parking area.

According to the association’s, Fourways Committee spokesperson Mbuzeni Maxwell Mhlongo, the issue will be addressed by providing more squatters to control traffic during rush hour. “We understand that our drivers’ parking habits have been a concern for motorists and residents of Fourways, and we want to assure them that we are taking steps to address this issue.

“We will be positioning more informal people to control traffic during rush hour, which will help relieve the traffic caused by our vehicles,” said Mhlongo.

The proposal has also been met with support from Fourways Mall, which has been affected by the parking issues. The mall has offered to provide a parking area for taxis as a solution to the problem.

Fourways Mall has since said that they will not be working with informal pointsmen. The newspaper is in touch with both parties to clarify this matter.

Fourways Mall manager Paul Gerard commented on ensuring safe and efficient access to the mall for both employees and shoppers. The mall’s recently expanded Commuter Court reflects this consideration in the complexity of the planning that has gone into it.

Also read: Promote cleanliness within taxi ranks

A new traffic plan supports the greater commercial node and community, by relieving traffic on the roads and providing quick easy access to the mall.

Alexandra Taxi Association, Fourways Committees spokesperson Mbuzeni Maxwell Mhlongo.
Alexandra Taxi Association, Fourways Committees spokesperson Mbuzeni Maxwell Mhlongo.

”To manage traffic flow both inside and outside the mall, the underground Commuter Court was built as part of the expansion project, that opened in September 2019. Located on the basement level, this transportation hub has now expanded with an additional taxi holding area.

“Developers and asset management team of Fourways Mall have collaborated closely with various stakeholders, for this newly expanded transportation space. By consulting with the local taxi associations and ward councillors, the team has ensured that the needs of residents, road users, and surrounding businesses are considered.”

Alexandra Taxi Association, Fourways Committee's spokesperson Mbuzeni Maxwell Mhlongo.
Alexandra Taxi Association, Fourways Committee’s spokesperson Mbuzeni Maxwell Mhlongo.

Ward 94 councillor David Foley said, “The Fourways Mall taxi parking area will be officially launched end of June and we hope to see progress with the taxi drivers’ parking.”

Related article: e-Hailing taxi driver arrested at shopping centre

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