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Dorothea Snowden turns 100 years old

A local centenarian received a letter from the king of England for her 100th birthday

Dorothea Snowden celebrated her 100th birthday on March 26, at the Amazing Grace retirement home care. But this year’s birthday brings with it a surprise.

A letter from the King of England himself was received extending his heartfelt congratulations and admiration for her century of life.

David John, Dorothea Snowden, Bruce Swanepoel.
David John, Dorothea Snowden, Bruce Swanepoel.

Dorothea was born and raised in England and moved to South Africa during the early 1960s. She was married to her late husband for 74 years and a mother of two children, five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Birthday decor.
Birthday decor.

Born a century ago, Dorothea has witnessed the profound transformations of the 20th and 21st centuries, from the arrival of modern technology to the evolution of social norms and cultural paradigms.

Snowden and her nurse Bulelwa Motshamayi.
Snowden and her nurse Bulelwa Motshamayi.

Wendy Blomkamp (76) described her mother as a very disciplined, tough, and kind woman with a great sense of humour. “My mother is one of the strongest people I know and she worked very hard from when we were young till today. She is very active for her age, but very demanding and a perfectionist in everything she does,” she said.

Dorothea and Wallace Snowden
Dorothea and Wallace Snowden

Throughout her life, Dorothea has been guided by a strong sense of integrity, compassion, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Receiving a letter from the king is a testament to Dorothea’s extraordinary life and the impact she has made on those around her.

Letter from the King of England
Letter from the King of England

“Even in her 90s, she remains actively engaged in various volunteer activities, singing to raise money for local charities and organisations,” said Blomkamp. Dorothea is a living testament to resilience, wisdom, and the enduring spirit of the human journey.

Letter from the king of England. Picture: Dorothea and Wallace Snowden
Letter from the king of England. Picture: Dorothea and Wallace Snowden

“Despite her age and that she has lost her sight, Dorothea maintains a youthful curiosity and keenness for life, embracing each day with gratitude and enthusiasm. She finds joy in simple pleasures like singing for her loved ones,’’ explains her nurse Bulelwa Motshamayi.

Dorotheas daughter Wendy Blomkamp.
Dorotheas daughter Wendy Blomkamp.

As she celebrates her 100th birthday, Dorothea reflects on a life well-lived, filled with cherished memories, meaningful connections, and a legacy of kindness and generosity. Her journey serves as an inspiration to generations past, present, and future, reminding us all of the profound beauty and resilience of the human spirit.

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