
St Peters College pioneers psychology in teens

The school's psychologist explains the benefits. In what is called a groundbreaking move towards prioritizing mental health, St Peter’s College has launched an empowering course named Psychology for Teens.

In what is called a groundbreaking move towards prioritizing mental health, St Peter’s College has launched an empowering course named Psychology for Teens. An educational psychologist from the school, Dr. Laila Jeebodh-Desai said this is after she has highlighted the need to create a platform for teenagers to identify, verbalize, and self-regulate their emotions effectively.

She said adolescence is a transformative phase of life that is characterized by several physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. At this stage, teenagers face a number of challenges such as academic pressure, peer relationships, self-identity exploration, and a surge of hormones.

According to Dr. Laila, historically, the focus has primarily been on academic achievement, and often neglected the emotional and psychological well-being of young minds. That is the same reason the school is committed to nurturing mental health on par with physical wellness and putting crucial emphasis on support from their teachers.

“The course seeks to address this gap by providing students with the necessary tools to identify, verbalize, and self-regulate their emotions. By encouraging open dialogue and creating a safe space for expression, the course aims to foster a supportive environment where teenagers can better understand and manage their emotions. Breaking down stigmas and discrimination.

“One of the fundamental objectives of “Psychology for Teens” is to break down stigmas associated with mental health and address the prevailing discrimination between physical and mental wellbeing. With the unwavering support of teachers, St Peter’s College takes a significant step towards destigmatising mental health challenges and promoting open conversations. Through their expertise and dedication, teachers have supported mental health awareness by facilitating interactive lessons which encourage a non-judgmental approach to discussions, that may arise during lessons, relating to topics such as stress, self-esteem, and resilience.”

The course goes beyond traditional academic subjects and persistently highlights how mental health plays a role in overall development. She said this would be achieved by providing students with a comprehensive understanding of psychological principles.

“The curriculum empowers them to navigate challenges and cultivate a positive mindset [because the] school aims to create a supportive and inclusive culture where students’ mental health needs are prioritized, ultimately paving the way for long-term emotional well-being. Through this pioneering course, students are empowered to better understand themselves, manage their emotions, and navigate the challenges of adolescence with resilience and confidence. The commitment and support of teachers play a vital role in creating an environment where mental health is valued without prejudice.”

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