
Rajinee goes back to an era with a good read

Rajinee Govender recounts the harsh lockdown in her new book.

Remember how you were locked up and couldn’t go anywhere without having a permit because of Covid-19? That difficult period of our lives gave Rajinee Govender from Sunninghill a reason to put pen to paper and add the title of author to her CV.

Govender has drafted a book titled Covid Chronicles. She said the book is a compilation of diary entries that explores the psychological and emotional trauma of the cast, as each of them reveals their separate and collective ordeals experienced during the pandemic.

“We become privy to the character’s innermost feelings of fear, trepidation, hatred, regret, guilt, nostalgia, and most of all their inconsolable grief for the loss of a loved one.”

“This stemmed from the Diary of Anne Frank. I hope that this book will be read posthumously as well, hence remaining eternal. This record of events can be placed in a library and museum for all to read. Also, a diary is a private account of one’s intimate feelings, therefore I thought that writing the story in this format would do justice to the deep trauma felt during this period in history.”

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She does not wish to give away too much as she gives us a glimpse into what the book entails, “The main character is Covid-19 and no stone is left unturned to depict this character as a villain, who stripped the world of lives and livelihoods. The book describes how it came, saw, ravaged, and conquered. We, as mere mortals, were defenseless and had to succumb to its poisonous tentacles. The book also describes the spirit of ubuntu that is prevalent in a community that experiences a calamity.

She added: “I wanted this book to remain in history. The statistics in the novel are based on facts.”

Govender and books have always been a match made in heaven. She said she enjoyed reading books from Noddy and Big Ears to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys.

“I read anything that caught my fancy. As a teenager, I read the classics: Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Chinua Achebe, Alan Paton, Danielle Steele, and any other tale that captivated me. Poetry by John Dunne, Emily Dickson, John Keats, William Blake, TS Eliot and William Wordsworth were also favourites of mine.”

Govender has also aspirations of being on television shows. She said to get her book, “They can contact me directly for a hard copy on 0786979302 or contact this address”

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