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Hard work pays off for rugby player

Tyler credits his love for rugby and hard work for securing a scholarship and winning big.

After being selected for the 1pt rugby team in 2022, Tyler Mac scored five tries in the tournament and two in the final against the Bulls. He won it for the Lions.

Since then, he has been going from success to success and even secured a rugby scholarship at St Stithians in March. He was later selected for the final round of the Grant Khomo for the U16.

Tyler made his dad so proud because he played the match with appendicitis, “This shows how much determination he has to succeed. Unfortunately, he had to go for surgery and had to pull out. After less than three months of recovery, he has just been selected for the Lions U16 Ipt provincial rugby team,” shared his dad, Graig Mac.

He added: “His mom and I have always motivated him both on and off the field in order for him to pursue his dreams since rugby is what he loves playing more than anything! To see our son so dedicated and committed makes us both very proud of him!

Tyler Mac is on the field doing what he loves.

When did you realise he was good at rugby? We asked, “It’s safe to say, we realised he was gifted with a natural-born talent the minute he held a rugby ball in his hand. Taking us back to his first Grade 4 rugby match where he just shone beyond belief and we witnessed first-hand where we got to witness how special and talented, he was and immediately saw his unwavering potential,” he answered.

This is not the first time that Tyler has reached this far when it comes to rugby. He credits his hard work for it.

“I stay motivated because I play for my family and have a good future for myself and my “why?” keeps me going to perform at my best. I make sure I prepare thoroughly in the gym and on my craft which enhances me to be fully confident for each game,” he explained.

Tyler Mac is on the field doing what he loves.

He added: “Every time I run onto the field, I get the biggest adrenaline rush as I play for the “badge” and just like that he secured a rugby scholarship and set to represent his school at the provincial level.

“This means a lot to me as it is a big stepping stone in my career. I would also like to thank The OSA, Mr Post, Mr Shihau and Mr Carter for giving me an opportunity to enhance my rugby at Saints.”

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