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Metro calls for pensioners to apply for rebates, here’s what you need to know

The metropolitan municipality advise pensioners to go to and apply for their rebates with these information to take note of.

The metropolitan municipality has recently delivered some good news that pensioners can now apply for their rebates. In a statement shared with Fourways Review, the City of Joburg said the rebates process came into effect as of the 1st of July, 2023.

“The council are happy to let you know that the City of Johannesburg has approved the Budget on June 14, 2023. This means very good news! Pensioners can now apply for their rebates, which will come into effect starting from July 1, 2023.”

Glen Pearch from Fourways did not waste any more time and issued his application to get his municipal rebates. He told Fourways Review that the application was quite easy and smooth.

“Apparently what would happen is that if you are over 70 and you pay rates of at least two million for the value of your property. So, in my case, my property is worth two to three and that means I am going to get a pay rate of like R300 000. I found out about this last week when I went through with my documents.”

He said this is a great idea for taxpayers to get their refunds, “I was very excited when I heard the announcement. it is good for us because it will make our lives easier. When we get to 70 we tend to struggle a bit because of the inflation etc. so it is a sigh of relief because normally I pay close to R2000 a month for the rates.’

He told us that he does not have anything specific planned for him to spend his rebates but surely thinking of a good party. Meanwhile, Cheryl Lishman Jearey said she did all the paperwork two weeks ago at the Daisy Street office.

The Jearey’s family.

“Only to be told that they are offline and told to leave applications with a very nice gentleman at the door and wait for our reference number to be sent via SMS. He did say [we will receive it] around the end of July though, so patience is a virtue they say.”

But for Amber Joy Johnson it was not really a smooth ride, “I had such a runaround for over a month. Eventually went to an office in Ivory Park. I was so scared going through Ivory Park, but I got sorted out last Thursday.”

To apply for the rebate, the City of Joburg said pensioners must submit their application forms and supporting documents at the walk-in centre.

“When you submit your application, you must (very important) request a reference number to track the application. So that you know, the City of Johannesburg will not accept applications submitted via email” reads the statement.

According to the municipality, this is a piece of important information for pensioners to take note of about the rebates process.

Rebate details for different age groups:

For individuals aged 60-69:

  • 100% rebate on the first R1.5 million of property value if your income is below R11,904 per month.
  • 50% rebate on the first R1.5 million of property value if your income ranges from R11,904 to R20,404 monthly. If your monthly income is over R20,404 you will not qualify.
  • 100% rebate on the first R1.5 million of property value if you receive a National Security Grant. Rates will be levied on the property value exceeding R1.5 million.

For individuals aged 70 and above:

  • 100% rebate on the first R2 million of property value, regardless of income. Rates will be levied on the property value exceeding R2 million.

“Due to the expected increase in the number of applications, the rebates may take a while. Two to three months. We kindly request your patience during this process. Just to let you know, all pensioner rebates received before September 30, 2023, will be adjusted to reflect the rebates starting from 1st July 2023. Need assistance or help? Kindly contact us on Info@rates4u.co.za”

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