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Local team dance all the way to the top

Kylie Magwaza talks about how she keeps her team winning on the dance floor.

It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and practice for five learners from Kings College and Preparatory School to be selected for the Gauteng Dance Sports School League.
This was after the dance team competed in the interprovincial tournament.

Kylie Magwaza, who is the head of dance at the school, spoke to Fourways Review about her role in preparing her team to compete in the competitions. She said this was not the first time that her team had made her proud even though they started on a rough patch.

Kylie Magwaza teaches from the heart.

“Initially, the children were very insecure on the dance floor, they didn’t know the movement and how to implement them.”

Magwaza stepped in with the right techniques to assist the learners with how it was done, and she said she was impressed by the outcomes.

“The was a lot of improvement in this season’s fixtures. I have seen them become more competitive and I was like ‘Oh, I know how to set up some routines and then the rest was just working a lot at home doing the things by themselves.’

“When they were selected for the league, I was so happy and very proud of them because a lot of work came from themselves and that internal motivation that they want this.”
The schools’ leagues for 2023 have been completed.

Kylie Magwaza (far right) and the five learners who made her proud on the dance floor

“We only start in September, but that is informal and then the fixtures will be in January 2024. So, how it works is that we have four fixtures at the beginning of the year because Dance School League is a summer squad and the children dance at the fixtures. They compete and generate points for themselves as well as the school.
“We were five schools that participated in the Dance Sport League and Kings College came second and that was the fourth time that we tried, so we still need to work hard.”
Her advice to her learners is ‘You are human and we all make mistakes’. “I always emphasise that they need to have fun on the dance floor and getting an award is only a bonus.”

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