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Manchester United Academy lands at Dainfern

Global Soccer School host Manchester United Academy coaches at Dainfern Estate.

The Global Soccer School International hosts Manchester United academy coaches Micheal Forgarty and Jarrad Ince for the Jarrad Ince Coaching Clinic at Dainfern Estate. The Global Soccer School is proudly the largest and most successful supplier of young, talented, and hard-working footballers to the South Africa Football and international market.

Coach Fred Tamale, Coach Desire Maruza, and Manchester United academy coach Micheal Forggarty.

Together with JNS Football, the soccer school provided innovative coaching sessions to players of all ages who looked to improve and nurture their craft. Micheal Forgarty and Jarrad Ince are currently junior academy coaches at Manchester United, and this gave local players and coaches insights into how the international giants train and develop their young talent.

The academy players being addressed by coach Micheal Forgarty.

“It all started when three of our players made it to the Manchester [United] pre-academy so when coach Jarrad wanted to bring them to the main academy, one player caught his eye cause he was better than most academy players they had there, he phoned me and said ‘Coach, what is going on in South Africa?’ I told him if you like that player, I have six, seven more like that just come take a look, and that’s when this clinic started. This programme is about taking the best and latest methods that are used on the international scale, adapting that to what works best with our African kids,” said Nick Aresti, founder of the Global Soccer School.

Global Soccer Schools player tosses and turns his opponent.

The world-class coaching clinic has not only brought value to the young players but also to the local coaches as well. According to Peter Madibana, the coaching clinic didn’t also help them learn new ways of doing drills but also new ways of approaching the same drills they do. “I am so grateful to be part of these master classes, it really helps me understand better how to evolve our training drills, how to approach the drills, and better communicate the instructions.”

Young female academy player scores during the eliminate and score challenge.
Manchester United academy coach Micheal Forgarty explains the next challenge to the players.

“It is encouraging to see big clubs like Manchester United have similar training styles and drills to us, it shows that were are not far behind just a few details we need to improve on. also this helps us coaches and players create relationships that will be beneficial in the future,” said Peter Madibana, one of the local coaches involved.

Global Soccer Schools skillful academy player dribbles her opponent.

The Global Soccer School has a network of schools throughout the country and African countries, it aims to shine the light on hidden talent in the continent. It was born to provide a full holistic footballing service that caters to every need of young players’ footballing journey.

Coach Peter Madibana helps out with the training drills.
Global Soccer Schools players do the one-touch exercise during warm up.

“The success of our premium brand Global Soccer Schools International, formerly known as Supersport United Soccer Schools, has prompted us to think more expansively in our quest of developing young football players. We epitomize high performance by making use of a strong ethos, proven training methods, a strong network, skilled individuals, excellent support structures, and creating memorable footballing experiences for kids of all ages, here in South Africa, Africa, and around the world,” Aresti added.

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