
Blanket drive app launches

The 67 Blankets app was launched and aims to make the work being done by the charity easier to manage, coordinate and connect all parties involved.

A newly launched app aims to make the work of the 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day charity easier to manage, coordinate and will allow all the parties involved in this dynamic initiative to easily connect.

67 Blankets of Nelson Mandela Day was founded nine years ago by Carolyn Steyn, who is internationally recognised for her contributions to philanthropy, the arts, and media. The blanket drive is made up of KnitWits from across the country, who knit and crochet blankets for people in need every year.

Lead developer at Botlhale Village Juan Trytsman briefs attendants on the app.

The 67 Blankets app helps the organisation and the KnitWits to easily manage, connect and deliver their blankets. They can easily order wool, which allows them to send off their creations once complete. It manages the movement of blankets and wool while connecting KnitWits with recipients, updates users with the latest news, and announcements, and helps users keep in touch with the area ambassadors.

Two-time Grammy award winner Wouter Kellerman attends the event.

The 67 Blankets app allows the organisation to spend more time on projects while the technology takes care of the admin and keeps everyone involved connected without struggling with logistics.

Two-time Grammy award-winner Wouter Kellerman rehearses.

The app includes the following features to help the organisation to manage the many facets involved in the valuable work that they do.

  • Wool inventory – tracks wool from donations to their distributed areas. Allows for the calculation of the number of blankets that come from specific KnitWits.
  • Blanket identity – provides the ability to track all the stops a blanket made before it is handed out to charity.
  • Full product tracking – blankets, scarves and squares which get turned into blankets can now be booked in and out through the app.
  • A full system that allows users to order from the relevant person and confirm receipt.
Carolyn Steyn addresses attendees at the app launch.

The app was developed by Botlhale Village, an incubator where ICT research students engage with virtual companies and projects. The organisation has done development work for local and international governments and now delivered a game-changing app for 67 Blankets. “We would like to start by giving thanks to Botlhale Village for bringing us to the future. It is always amazing to work with young minds. We are happy the app can now make the work we do much easier and help connect everyone who is helping in getting our job done,” said Steyn.

The 67 Blankets app launch stage in Steyn City.

Lead developer at Botlhale Village, Juan Trytsman said, “It is part of our mission to make a difference in people’s lives using technology. We reached out to make a difference in people’s lives using technology. We reached out to 67 Blankets asking what they need the most and what we can do to assist them,.
“After discussing the current use of spreadsheets to keep track of a staggering 10 000 blankets a year, it became clear that they need a flow upgrade, and what better way than with an app that looks good, is feature-rich, and keeps track of more than just blankets. It is an easy app to use.”

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