
Fourways running look to the new year with excitement to continue fitness journeys

Club members from the Run/Walk for Life Fourways branch are ready to start the year off with a bang.

A Fourways running club is ready to put another step forward into the new year.

Run/Walk for Life Fourways started their training and events with the new year in full swing, and there is excitement present in the air.

Branch manager for the Fourways running club Beth Hamman said the first few days back at the club have been similar to the days of training before Covid put a stamp on social and sporting events. “The Fourways branch opened at the beginning of January with a bang. It was like pre-Covid times with a large attendance and everyone so happy to be back and to get their fitness and health goals going for the year.”

Tshego Mogomotsi, runner from Run/Walk for Life Fourways, is all smiles at the finish of the 32km Striders Race.

With sports clubs getting back into hosting events, the Fourways branch is no different as a number of members have already taken part in races organised throughout the city. “It is wonderful to see that most races have started up again and after more than a two-year break everyone is ready to race,” Hamman added.

“To encourage members to attend sessions on a consistent basis as well as to push themselves to do races, I have several club challenges running where members can set themselves goals and then to work toward meeting them during the year.”

Hamman encouraged the Fourways community to get involved with the club as they have a number of events taking place, including the Progressive Marathon that is a national challenge to start in March.

Run/Walk for Life Fourways walkers Lynda Rhodes and Atella Els at the finish of the 15km Kudus Race held recently.

The challenge comprises of getting entrants to take a distance never thought achievable and evenly split up the distance over six days which would have the marathon complete at the end of the six days. “Run Walk for Life is turning 40 this year and has an enormous pool of experience in getting the unfit fit in a safe and monitored environment.”

Going forward into the new year, Hamman has a number of goals for the club this year which include encouraging members to consider not only getting fit, but looking at their health overall.
“I would like to assist with providing great nutritional programmes that will help with weight control as well as monitoring blood pressure on a regular basis, of course providing a service where people can come and walk or run in a safe environment.”
The Fourways branch meets up every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 17:15 at the Norscot Recreation Centre.


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