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Funds for children living with cancer

LONEHILL – The money raised through the initiative will assist children living with paediatric cancer and help support their families financially.

Local humanitarian Jessica Gordon, the mother of a six-year-old cancer survivor, partnered with Lonehill Shopping Centre to help raise funds for children living with the disease.

Gordon and the centre hosted a National Cupcake Day event on September 25 and 5 747 cupcakes were sold. Gordon said, “September is International Cancer Awareness Month. Cupcakes of Hope also known as Cupcakes for kids with cancer, assist children and their families during their battles with paediatric cancer by either supporting them financially, emotionally or just brightening their days.”

Jessica Gordon and her daughter, Maia, a cancer survivor. Photo: Supplied

The initiative is also aimed at raising awareness and assist families with the detection of cancer in children while it is still in its early stages, to create the best possible medical outcome.

She said as a parent of a six-year-old girl that has survived cancer twice, it was such a privilege and honour to be able to assist families, ‘one cupcake at a time’.

Ellen van Eeden of Abu Dhabi sells cupcakes to shoppers at Lonehill Shopping Centre. Photo: Supplied

“Our special thanks goes to Lonehill Shopping Centre for hosting us, Mugg and Bean Lonehill for continuing to support our cause and feeding all our volunteers on the day, and each and every volunteer who donated their time, items and cupcakes all baked with love.”

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