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Be aware of arthritis in children

JOHANNESBURG – If untreated, arthritis can cause unbearable pain and disability.

More information needs to be shared about rheumatic diseases and Arthritis Kids South Africa has imparted all the relevant knowledge regarding the disorders.

The organisation’s awareness campaign came just at the right time as the international initiative World Young Rheumatic Diseases Day (Word Day), which highlights rheumatic diseases in children, was commemorated on 18 March.

According to executive director of Arthritis Kids South Africa Catherine McCormack, who has a child affected by juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Arthritis Kids South Africa is a registered non-profit company and public benefit organisation that seeks to ensure no child in South Africa suffers unnecessary pain and disability from untreated arthritis.

McCormack explained that the organisation was founded in 2009 by Diane Crossman after her daughter was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and in response to the need for more information, support and patient advocacy.

The board comprises paediatric rheumatologists and parents of children with arthritis, balancing the medical aspects of chronic disease with the realities of living with it.

“Rheumatic diseases affect connecting and supporting structures in the body – joints, tendons, muscles, for example,” McCormack explained.

“They are also called musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders.”

She added, “Arthritis is a commonly occurring rheumatic disease – there are non-autoimmune types like osteoarthritis, and autoimmune types like rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmune means the immune system attacks the body – auto means self, i.e. an immune attack on yourself resulting in inflammation where the attack takes place.”

McCormack concluded, “In arthritis, the body attacks areas within and around the joint which creates inflammation, resulting in stiffness and swelling and making movement painful and difficult.”

Details: For more information, visit Arthritis Kids South Africa’s website www.arthritiskids.co.za

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