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Life Fourways Hospital is equipped to deal with COVID-19

FOURWAYS – Life Fourways Hospital advises the public to follow the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines to keep COVID-19 at bay.

Life Fourways Hospital, as with all Life Healthcare hospitals, is following the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines to ensure the proper infection prevention and risk management for the well-being of  COVID-19 patients, the staff, doctors, other patients and hospital visitors.

All patient-facing hospital staff, including emergency units, have been briefed and trained according to the guidelines and are prepared to manage confirmed cases of the virus.

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According to the hospital, there is no cause for alarm. “We are fully prepared to manage positive patients and would like to assure the community that our hospital services will continue as normal.”

As an extra precaution, they are ensuring all visitors use alcohol hand-rub upon entering and leaving the hospital. “Community members should also practice NICD and WHO basic infection protective measures of proper hand-hygiene at home and in the workplace as well as covering your cough or sneeze,” the hospital advised.

Life Fourways Hospital encourages members of the public to take cognisance of the following steps for their well-being and safety and that of their family:

  • Stay at home if you or your child are unwell with flu-like symptoms and if you or a family member have travelled abroad to affected COVID-19 area or had close contact with affected COVID-19 individuals.
  • Let your general practitioner (GP) know if you are unwell: Advise your GP of your symptoms and discuss with them if you meet NICD case criteria to be tested for COVID-19.
  •  If your GP advises you to come to the practice, cover your mouth and nose with tissues or a scarf (or mask if you have one) before entering the practice. If your GP is unavailable, call your local hospital emergency unit.
  • Do not go to the hospital physically until you or your GP have spoken to the emergency unit to advise of your arrival, or advise them you are on your way.

For more information, contact NICD on hwww.nicd.ac.za or call their 24-hour consumer toll-free hotline number 0800 029 999.

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