
Safety tips from Midrand Police Station

MIDRAND – As the number of reports of sexual crimes being reported to the Midrand Police Station increase, police have tips on how you can keep yourself safe.

According to Sergeant Matome Tlamela, the spokesperson for the Midrand Police Station, sexual offences have been on the rise in her precinct recently and a number of incidents have been reported to police.

Although some cases have been thrown out of court, sexual violence is a problem faced by millions of women in South Africa. The Midrand police have a few tips on how to keep yourself safe.

“We are here to advise our community to stay alert at all times,” Tlamela said. “Especially when at drinking places [restaurants, bars or taverns] because many cases originate there.

“In [many] cases women become victims after their drinks are spiked and they [could] be raped.”

Tlamela gave some tips to women on how to keep themselves safe:

• Never leave your drink unattended and keep an eye on your friends drinks

• Do not accept a drink from someone you do not know

• Consider sticking to bottled drinks and avoiding punch bowls or jugs of cocktails (it is easier for someone to slip a substance unnoticed into an open container than into a single bottle)

• Do not give out your address to someone that you have just met.

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Sergeant Matome Tlamela

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