
Fun comes to Buttercup Pre-School

LONEHILL – Buttercup Pre-School learners and their parents enjoy a fun-filled day of riding in carts.

The children from Buttercup Pre-School in Lonehill, as well as their families, had their very own special drive-in day recently in homemade carts!

Matthew Judd and Catherine Sondergaard join the other kids from Buttercup in ‘parking’ their carts in time for the movie. Photo: Supplied

The Buttercup Moonlight Movie drive-in has become a very exciting annual event which encourages parents and children to spend quality time together making their bright and unique box cars out of household materials. The learners loved every minute of it and we’re so proud of the cardboard cars that they could sit in to watch the movie and eat their free popcorn.

Moana, a film about a girl who goes on a sailing adventure to save her loved ones, is watched by children and families who attend the ‘drive-in’. Photo: Supplied

The parents were also very enthusiastic and excited, helping with the project and attending the event, where the Disney film Moana was screened once the sun went down.

The Potgieter family: Nadia, Nicho with children Seanna and Kaden. Photo: Supplied

The children were seated in their carts in rows, just like a real drive-in, for the duration of the movie.

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