
Motorists, stay safe with these tips

MIDRAND – After a recent crime awareness campaign in the Midrand area, Sergeant Tlamela of the Midrand Police Station has a few car safety tips for readers.

In an effort to keep the community safer, officers from the Midrand Police Station recently took part in a crime awareness campaign in the area where they distributed informational pamphlets to members of the public.

Midrand Police Station spokesperson, Sergeant Matome Tlamela provided a number of tips for motorists:

• Always remember to lock your vehicle and manually ensure that it is locked

• Be alert to who is around you when

parking, particularly when putting

valuables in your boot

• Ensure that all valuables in your car are out of sight

• Devices that jam motor vehicles are small and can resemble gate remotes.

• Thieves are particularly interested in getting laptops

• Thieves often operate at shopping centres

and petrol stations. Attempt to park in

areas monitored by CCTV cameras

• Keep your vehicle doors locked at all times while driving

• When parked, never leave your keys in

the car or leave windows or sunroof open

• Never leave your car running unattended

• Don’t leave your car’s title deeds in the car.

• Avoid high-crime areas when possible

• Instal an anti-theft system on your vehicle

• Park in well-lit areas where possible

• If confronted by a hijacker, do not resist.

Cars can be replaced but your life cannot.

Details: Midrand Police Station:

011 347 1600/26.

• When parking on an incline, leave your car in park or in gear with the wheels turned towards the curb or some other obstruction as this makes it harder for thieves to tow your vehicle

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