
Pregnant woman’s cell phone stolen at a supermarket

WITKOPPEN – When her husband called her cell phone, it rang in a basket trolley one of the women were using. 

In a recent social media post, Jocelyn Dominique Govender shared how her cell phone was stolen, and recovered, on Monday (19 August) at a supermarket in Witkoppen at 4.45pm.

In a lengthy post on her Facebook account, Jocelyn claimed that two women took her phone from her bag while she was getting chicken from one of the fridges in the store. 

“They were both behind me and I immediately felt my phone was missing. I confronted them and demanded to check their bags as it was just me and them in the aisle. The one lady acted like she didn’t understand me. Both ladies didn’t have anything in their bags,” said Jocelyn on Facebook.

In the Facebook post, Jocelyn said her husband, Floyd Govender was in another aisle when the incident occurred. She said she tried calling out to him as none of the security or managers noticed what was going on.

“One lady was standing with a bag of chicken and the other was pushing a basket trolley with milk. When my husband called my phone, it was lying next to the milk in the trolley. When security came, I told them these ladies tried to rob me and they were already walking out of the shop.”

Jocelyn explained that the security guard went after the two women and retrieved her phone, adding that the guard let them leave after that. “No consequences. I’m pregnant and I felt like these women targeted me. They could have followed me around the shop and the minute my husband left me, they moved in.”

According to Jocelyn, the supermarket’s manager didn’t check if she was okay after the ordeal. “I am grateful I got my phone back but I am utterly disgusted in the management and security. How many times has this not happened before in the place? This all happened in less than five minutes. Yet these women just walked out as if nothing happened and moved on.”

When initially contacted for comment, the spokesperson for the supermarket said they were still waiting for comment from executives from their head office and they were in the process of obtaining CCTV footage of the incident. When the publication tried to phone again for an update, there was no answer.

This story will be updated as soon as comment from the supermarket becomes available.

Speaking to this publication, Jocelyn said she didn’t report the matter to the police because she wasn’t sure if there was a case. She did, however, inform the head office of the supermarket.

“My husband and I are both upset about how the supermarket and their security didn’t do anything about it. We are aware these things happen, but didn’t think that the supermarket’s management would just leave the matter as they did,” said Jocelyn.

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