
100% pass, 96% Bachelor Degree pass and 158 distinctions for HeronBridge College matriculants

NOOITGEDACHT – The school has congratulated its learners.

HeronBridge College has taken to its Facebook and Twitter pages to congratulate its learners on their matric results.

The school said on Facebook, “Congratulations to the HeronBridge College Matrics of 2018 on fantastic results, we are so proud of all our learners.

“100% pass, 96% Bachelor Degree pass, 158 distinctions.”

ALSO READ: The 2018 IEB National Senior Certificate pass rate is 98.92%

The school further issued a summary of their top achievers:

HeronBridge College issues this summary of it’s top 2018 matriculants. Photo: HeronBridge College on Facebook
HeronBridge College issues this summary of it’s top 2018 matriculants. Photo: HeronBridge College on Facebook

More to follow from the school.

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