
Fourways and Lonehill: Hawkers, beggars and bad driving behaviour

LONEHILL – Ward 94 councillor, David Foley explained that order needs to return to Lonehill and the greater Fourways areas.


Fourways has turned into an area with increased hawkers, illegal parking of taxis and beggars at intersections. The streets most severely affected are William Nicol Drive and Sunrise Boulevard.

Ward 94 councillor, David Foley explained that order and cleanliness need to return to the area. “There is a large number of hawkers selling on the pavements along Sunrise Boulevard and taxi drivers park on pavements on William Nicol Drive. There are also many beggars at every intersection around Lonehill.”

Hawkers sell on the side of the street.

Foley highlighted that the grass along the road needs cutting as there’s litter strewn all over the place. “The other issue of great concern is vagrants who are living in the water valves; they need to be evacuated by the Metro police.”

He explained that the issues of concern are also illegal fires being lit by vagrants, for cooking food. “I have suggested to the Metro police that there be regular checks at the hotspots to change behaviour and transgressions. My recommendation is for them to return every three hours in the day to address these issues and not at the same time every day.”

Foley also encourages community members to contact the Metro police’s contact centre and raise the various issues on a daily basis. “Visibility is key and perhaps the Metro police should have a vehicle permanently parked at the intersection.”

The Metro police’s spokesperson, Edna Mamonyane confirmed that an operation was done earlier in the week. “It looks like when the police leave, the hawkers return to their initial spot where they were removed from.”

She mentioned that since by-laws are not adhered to by taxi drivers and hawkers, she will contact her by-laws director. “I will let my director know of the breaking of by-laws and the conduct of taxi drivers in the area. They can come back with another plan to bring order to the area.”

The water valve where vagrants allegedly sleep.
A stormwater drain blocked with litter.


What other issues do you think your ward councillor should know about? Share your views on the Fourways Review Facebook page.


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Stop giving beggars at intersections money, clothes or food

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