
Cedarwood School has got talent

GLENFERNESS – On 10 May the children of Cedarwood School amazed their audience with a wide-ranging display of skills at the annual Talent Show.

Over 60 schoolchildren from the Cedarwood School in Glenferness showed their skills when they put on a talent show on 10 May.

The event was organised by teacher, Jessica Musnitzky and judges, Glen Biderman-Pam, Zanele Madiba and Gillian Townley had the tough task of selecting prizewinners.

The audience was treated to performances of poetry, drama, comedy, ballet, singing and dancing. The energetic raps, a marimba medley and a soccer ball skills display rounded out the diverse programme.

Prizes were awarded to:

q Teagan Bouchier;

q The dance group Revolution;

q Bernard Brooke, with an Audience Choice award going to Attie Malathela and Shayne Windrum.


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