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Humble Harry’s helps out

FOURWAYS – Local favourite café Humble Harry's is helping residents spread a little kindness by making Simple Sacks available from their venues, as well as encouraging recycling amongst customers.


Popular local café Humble Harry‘s is helping patrons spread a little kindness with two inspiring initiatives: making Simple Sacks (bags of everyday essentials for people in need) available in store for customers to buy and gift to disadvantaged members of our community, and encouraging customers to collect recyclable bottle tops, of which a portion of the proceeds will be donated.

“Humble Harry’s is supporting Simple Sacks in these two fantastic ways out of the goodness of their hearts. We are so grateful for the opportunity to spread awareness of Simple Sacks among the broader Fourways community in this way,” said Susan Moffett, founder of Simple Sacks.

A family-run social upliftment initiative, Simple Sacks are simple drawstring sacks filled with everyday hygiene necessities, for homeless and destitute people, low-income earners who are struggling financially, or families who have fallen on hard times.

The idea came about after Moffett’s twin sons, eight-year-old Sinjin and Christian, said they wanted to do something to help the people they saw on the streets on their way to school every morning.

Moffett and her team – including the two boys and their dad David – now fill the sacks at her home in Fourways and sell them via the Simple Sacks website and Humble Harry’s for members of the public to purchase and distribute as they wish.

“The idea is that people buy a Simple Sack or two, keep them in their car, and the next time they pass somebody on the street who they think could benefit from a Simple Sack, they give them one.

“Corporates can also get involved and help supply items for the bags, or gift Simple Sacks as part of their existing CSI initiatives to organisations working with people in need,” Moffett said.

Humble Harry’s has gone one step further, and along with stocking the Simple Sacks for purchase in the café, are actively inviting customers to purchase a bag by simply adding the cost – R100 per bag – to their bills. Customers get to enjoy their delicious meal and walk out with a bag of kindness to help those who sometimes can’t afford food of their own.

Paul Economou, Humble Harry’s owner, says this allows customers to easily be part of something bigger than them, and to help their local community in a meaningful way.

“We know people love the idea of participating in random acts of kindness, but sometimes they don’t know how to do this. By buying a Simple Sack, our customers can easily show they care,” said Economou.

In addition, Humble Harry’s is asking customers to support its plastic recycling initiative by collecting the lids of plastic bottles. Each shopping bag full of plastic lids delivered to the café earns those customers one free cappuccino.

“Paul has kindly offered to donate a portion of the proceeds of this recycling project to Simple Sacks, to allow us to fill and distribute more bags in our community. So not only does this initiative help our environment, but the disadvantaged people of Fourways as well,” added Moffett.

Simple Snacks are available at both the Humble Harry’s locations, one at Leaping Frog Shopping Centre and the other at The Buzz Shopping Centre.

Details: www.simplesacks.org.za


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