
Ria Sebetsa tips against business related crimes

Read through these tips to ensure safety.


As the year draws to a close, business increases for many security companies. Ria Sebetsa Security Services urges business owners to take extra security steps to avoid being targeted by criminals.

Chief executive officer of the security company, Danny Maduray offered the following security tips for businesses:

  • Make sure your alarm system is fully serviced and in full working order for the festive season closing period
  • Appoint a designated contact keyholder in the event of an alarm activation over the Christmas period.
  • Make sure all loose office equipment such as laptops, are locked up in a secure room
  • Consider speaking to your security service provider about additional specialised site visits and patrols
  • If you are working over the festive period, do not be alone, there is always more security in numbers
  • Remember, criminals observe patterns and routines. Use the quiet festive period to alter your routes
  • If you do not have an alarm system, install one today and link up to a local armed response service
  • Appoint a physical guarding provider to act as an additional deterrent
  • Change the times when you go to the bank and employ security to escort you to do banking.


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