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Sunflower Fund hosts successful fundraiser at Parker’s Comedy and Jive in Monte

FOURWAYS – The Sunflower Fund hosted a comedy evening to raise funds for potential stem cell donors and create awareness around donating stem cells. Read more about the success of the evening here.


The non-profit organisation known as The Sunflower Fund hosted a laughter filled evening at Parker’s Comedy and Jive venue in Montecasino, to raise funds for stem cell donations, to give hope and save those who suffer from blood-related disorders.

The 180 guests were treated to some of South Africa’s funniest comedians; the line-up included the legendary, Martin Jonas, Kedibone Mulaudzi, Hannes Brummer and the upcoming talent, Thabiso Mhlongo. The night was full of surprises as guests were given the opportunity to win Lumineer and Justin Bieber concert tickets.

The Sunflower Fund is dedicated to raising awareness, educating and recruiting a sustainable source of well-informed potential stem cell donors, in an effort to save the lives of those who urgently need stem cell transplants.

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The more donors they can get on the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR), the more hope patients have of finding their one in a million donor match. These patients have a daily struggle fighting leukaemia and other life-threatening blood disorders.

“The highlight of the night was that the Sunflower Fund was able to raise close to R18 000, which will be used for tissue testing to place donors onto the registry,” said Kedibone Mogabe, event organiser.

To become a donor, contact the toll-free number 0800 12 10 82 or visit www.sunflowerfund.org.za

If you have been affected by a severe blood disorder, share your touching story with us on the Fourways Review Facebook page.

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