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Paulshof community stands firm

FOURWAYS – Paulshof has its annual residents and ratepayers meeting.


The Paulshof community gathered at the Rivonia Recreation Club on Achter Road for their annual Paulshof Residents and Ratepayers Association (PRRA) meeting.

The executive committee gave its reports on 1 March on security, environment and communications in Paulshof.

The meeting went very well and community members had an opportunity to lay down their concerns for the year ahead. The PRRA was excited to announce its new nominating committee and expressed gratitude to the people who devoted their time and effort to the Paulshof community.

Councillor Candice James addresses the community regarding social issues and how to solve them.

One of the main discussion points was whether households are only allowed one vote per household, even if there are more than two people above the voting age residing in the house, or two votes when voting about community issues. The vote was then decided on one vote per household.

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Claude Mohonathan, former chairperson of the PRRA said, “The 2016 calendar year has been a very interesting one for me as the chairperson of the PRRA. I was voted in as deputy chair in 2015 then chairperson.

“Albert Gumbo made my life very easy where he did all the work as the chairperson and took control of the relevant important functions as the 2015 chairperson. He subsequently resigned in 2016 and I was voted as the chairperson for 2016.”

Residents vote at the Paulshof Residents and Ratepayers Association (PRRA) meeting in Paulshof on 1 March.

Mohonathan continued to say that one of his highlights was his team because without their passion, drive and vision it would not have been possible.

This year the association wants to encourage the community to become part of the change they want to see in their area and to become active members of the PRRA. This way the community can work together to make Paulshof a safer and stronger community for all its residents.

Councillor Candice James stepped up to the stand and encouraged Paulshof residents to please share their concerns and assured them that if there was anything to be done, she would personally see to it.

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