
DA ward councillor considers himself an agent of change

FOURWAYS - Meet an angry councillor yearning for justice.


Ward 96 councillor, Sean Kreusch, is an angry man because of the injustices which confront him every day as he conducts his community work.

“I hate injustice and unfairness and get angry when I see the poor and vulnerable get taken advantage of and lied to. I see it way too much with the ANC where there is a culture of entitlement and where they take advantage of their communities,” said Kreusch.

The father of two views himself as an agent of change fighting for justice, equality and fairness. “The ANC has, through the years, marginalised everyone, especially minorities. As I look at the DA membership, I see a more representative rainbow nation, a true Nelson Mandela vision. I will do everything in my power to make sure everyone gets their fair share, unlike that of our current ruling party,” he said.

Apart from working hard and playing hard, Kreusch considers himself a democrat. “I’m a democrat and pragmatist at heart. I hate the daily injustices that take place in our city, especially the ones where something could have been avoided or done about it.”

“I see how the ANC has behaved in a way that shows they are the only ones who can do a job, which is untrue! In some instances I feel like they have failed so badly and should move over and give others a chance to do the job,” he said.

Kreusch also comes across as a family man who is passionate about South Africa. He said he has no intention to leave South Africa, adding that his major objective was to secure a better life for his family and fellow South Africans.

Kreusch joined the Democratic Alliance (DA) fours years ago as an activist but got sucked into the main business of the party. He said his responsibilities are to develop the DA network in the wards controlled by other political parties and to hold the governing party to account.

Kreusch credits himself with keeping the City of Johannesburg on its toes on issues of infrastructure development and fighting crime.

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