
Creative inventions at Crawford Prep Lonehill

LONEHILL - Inventions at Crawford Preparatory Lonehill's Science Expo.


Creative young minds at Crawford Preparatory Lonehill displayed mind-blowing science inventions at their Science Expo on 17 May.

“The personal growth that our pupils have gone through regarding the knowledge of science will prepare them for high school and future endeavours,” the school’s science teacher, Tessa Vermeulen, explained.

The Grade 7 pupils were given categories such as agricultural science, animals and veterinary science, chemistry and biochemistry, earth science, energy – both renewable and non-renewable, healthcare, and microbiology and diseases to choose from in order to create, research and produce their inventions.

“This year’s science expo was a success. After today, the selected pupils with the best invention will go to the regionals in August and hopefully furthermore to the nationals. Last year, we managed to receive 12 medals, so I am hoping we get the same this year,” Vermeulen said.

Some of the types of projects the pupils were required to do were pure science, which made them focus on learning more about the world we live in. Another was applied science, which made them focus on the use of laws, physical relationships and knowledge, human needs, as well as engineering projects.

“Every pupil has a specific benefit to mankind and what more than for them to benefit through research and science applications. Not only did they research, but they were able to show it in a more practical sense,” Vermeulen quipped.

She concluded that all her adjudicators were engineers and the pupils got to interact with them.

Details: 011 465 4484.

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