
New stormwater system in pipeline for 3rd Road, Chartwell

CHARTWELL – After a two-year wait, the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) has finally approved development plans to construct a new stormwater drain system on 3rd Road, Chartwell.


Speaking on behalf of JRA at a Ward 96 Joburg 10 Plus meeting, Boitumelo Maifadi said the roads agency had prioritised 3rd Road and an engineer had been appointed to draw up a master plan.

Maifadi was quick to point out that despite being prioritised, there was nothing on paper regarding funding, but the new pipe system had been agreed upon in principle.

An application for funding of 3rd Road for the installation of wider pipes was submitted under emergency funding after it was found that the current construction of a 1.2m diameter stormwater pipe from Cedar Road to Runnymead Road was incapable of handling the current amount of stormwater.

According to Keith Horwood, a resident in the area, 3rd Road risks flooding if a proper drainage system is not installed.

JRA spokesperson Bertha Peters-Scheepers said she was confident that the matter would be resolved soon.

Have you ever experienced high volumes of stormwater while driving down 3rd Road? Tweet @Fourways_Review with your comments and photos

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