
Copper theft in Farmall out of control

FARMALL – Despite many attempts from City Power to prevent the theft of electricity cables in Kya Sands and Farmall, the problem continues to persist with Farmall residents most affected.


Ward 96 councillor Matome Mafokwane said, “Cable theft is a chronic problem in the area. We report cable theft in the area at least once a week to City Power. It is clear that the area is highly targeted.”

He added that even attempts by City Power security officers to patrol the area proved fruitless. “The City Power security fear for their lives because the criminals are extremely dangerous,” Mafokwane said.

Carol de Waal, a Farmall resident said, “The list of complaints we have logged with City Power dates back to 2010 – City Power and the City of Johannesburg has specifically failed us residents of First Road and Spesbona Road, Farmall. We have had endless problems reporting the faults with the call centre whereby you often get cut off, or hold on for 45 minutes to an hour, or our calls don’t get answered.”

De Waal added that the community patrolled the area almost every night and worked closely with the Douglasdale Community Policing Forum and Douglasdale Police Station, yet, still, the problem continued.

Mafokwane said it had come to a point where many residents believed that the cable theft was an inside job.

Questions posed to the spokesperson of City Power, Hloni Motloung, remained unanswered.

Also read:

City Power beefs up security to reduce copper theft

New plans to eradicate copper theft

Do you think City Power is doing enough to curb copper theft in the area? Tweet @Fourways_Review

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