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John Mendelsohn shares his hopes for next year

FOURWAYS – If there is one thing that Ward 94 councillor John Mendelsohn wants to achieve next year, it will be to make William Nicol Drive free of litter and to make taxi drivers behave in an orderly fashion.


A constant complaint this year, it is no surprise that this is at the top of his to-do list for next year, provided that he is elected as a councillor once again.

Mendelsohn also explained that he hoped to see a devolution of power and budgets to sub-councils, “Once there is a devolution of power, councillors will have far greater oversight over basic service delivery and bylaw enforcement because municipal officials will then be accountable to the sub-council,” he said.

According to Mendelsohn, in this type of governance structure, local issues will be prioritised.

Also topping Mendelsohn’s wish list for next year is to see the Democratic Alliance win Joburg. “I would like to see the Democratic Alliance take control of Johannesburg after the 2016 Municipal Elections and implement policies which give priority to real and visible municipal service delivery,” he said.

Details: johnjay@telkomsa.net


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