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Lion Park comments on lion attack

LANSERIA - The Lion Park has released a statement about their assessment of the events which lead to the death of an American tourist after being attacked by a lioness at the park on 1 June.

According to Andre Le Cock, marketing manager for The Lion Park, the American tourist had been sitting in the passenger seat while a tour operator from a private tour company was driving.

Read the original story

She had been taking photos of a group of lions from a short distance away.

“According to a witness a lioness then began slowly walking towards the vehicle,” Le Cock said. “The lady was taking pictures of the the lioness which had stopped about a meter or two away from the vehicle. Witnesses state that the lady still had her window fully open at this point when the lion lunged towards the car. It then bit the lady through the open window.”

Le Cock said the tour operator, driving the vehicle, tried to fend off the lion and get it to release the woman, during which time he sustained injuries.

The Lion Park camp staff, based at the gate of the enclosure rushed to the vehicle and chased the lion away.

Emergency services were called to the scene and the female tourist was declared dead on scene while the tour operator was taken to hospital for treatment.

Read an exclusive witness account of the attack

Le Cock said the park has many signs that clearly state that all windows and doors should be closed and locked at all times.

“Furthermore, visitors and tour operators are stopped by a member of staff before entering the first lion enclosure where they are handed a leaflet explaining that it is imperative that windows and doors are kept locked and closed at all times. Lions are predators and these animals should be handled and treated with great respect,” he said.

Le Cock confirmed that the lioness, which attacked the visitor, will not be euthanised and will instead remain under the care of the park.

“It is incredibly sad that a life had to be lost in this manner,” Le Cock said. “Visitors to South Africa need to remember that predators are dangerous and rules are there for their own safety, if all the rules are adhered to your visit to the Lion Park, national parks and other similar facilities will be a safe and treasured experience.”

Le Cock added that the management and staff of the park would like to extend their deepest sympathies and sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased visitor for their loss.


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