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Sars mobile unit back again

RIVERSANDS – The second wave of Sars mobile unit sessions, which are open to businesses and individuals in the Fourways area, will be a great opportunity for those who missed out on the first one.

In line with its efforts to help taxpayers comply with their obligations, Sars is releasing a mobile unit a second time at the newly occupied Riversands Incubation Hub on 28 May from 9.30am to 2pm. The national revenue service encourages compliance with tax and customs law to ensure everyone pays their fair share.

“Our approach to promoting compliance is based on three principles. We must make taxpayers aware of their obligations, make it easy to meet them and act against those who break the law,” Sars stated.

“We support our SMEs in as many ways as possible. Sars has also agreed to host a workshop for both our full incubatees as well as applicants in the Grow Your Business stream, which acts as a pipeline for full incubation,” said Nicola Neal, head of SME development at the Riversands Incubation Hub.

After this visit, the next opportunity for businesses and individuals to meet with Sars in their area will be on 25 June at the same times.

 Do you think Sars is making enough effort to help individuals comply to their regulations? Tell us in the comments section below

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