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An amazing transformation

LONEHILL - Layla O'Neill has been battling a rare form of cancer called ependymoma and her family is rallying around her to raise awareness of the condition.

On 9 May Layla will celebrate her sixth birthday while also observing Ependymoma Day.

Last year, doctors informed Layla’s parents that nothing more could be done for their little girl so they prepared themselves for the worst.

According to Layla’s mother, Sharyn, in January this year, Layla was admitted to hospital with extreme pain and a high fever. She was only discharged in February. “Layla’s bladder had stopped working completely,” Sharyn said. “She has no nerve endings in her bladder and therefore has to be cathetised every four hours to prevent any more infections from occurring.”

Sharyn explained that due to numerous kidney and liver infections, all of Layla’s organs are taking strain. “She had a few good weeks but that all changed again on 11 March when Layla once again came down with a fever.”

Even though the fever was small, Sharyn rushed her daughter to their doctor. “The doctor did some blood and urine tests and confirmed that Layla had another bladder infection,” she said. “It was a good thing we took her in as we caught it in the beginning stages.”

Layla has now been put on a six-month course of antibiotics in addition to her oncologist upping her booster to keep the infections at bay. She currently takes 15 tablets and 156ml of liquid medicine a day.

Yet through all her strife, Layla is determined to survive.

Last year her friends and family threw her a big birthday bash to celebrate the fact that she made it to her birthday, since doctors doubted that she would still be alive. Last year also marked the first Ependymoma Day in South Africa, where Layla’s supporters released butterflies to represent the transformation of children who suffer from childhood cancers.

This year Ependymoma Day will be celebrated at Lappies Park in Lonehill.

Butterflies can be ordered beforehand and will be released on the day. Entrance to the awareness day is R80 and residents are encouraged to bring a picnic and spend the day with the inspirational young survivor that is Layla O’ Neill.

Details: 079 196 8052; info@ependyangels.co.za

Send your well wishes to Layla O’Neill and her family by commenting below.

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