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Cheetah attacks boy at Lion Park

LANSERIA - A 13-year-old boy was attacked by a cheetah at the Lion Park in Lanseria on 27 March.

This only two days after an Australian tourist was attacked by a lion at the park. According to the park’s manager, Scott Simpson two boys who live in a nearby informal settlement used the park as a shortcut. The boys were apparently cycling along the perimeter of the cheetah enclosure. “We don’t know how the boys actually got access into the park,” said Simpson. “We are still investigating this.”

Simpson explained that two game rangers opened a gate to let a car out of the cheetah enclosure when the animal dashed out and attacked one of the boys.

“It is apparent the game rangers rushed to assist the boy, however the cheetah managed to bite the boy twice,” said Simpson. He added that the cheetah which attacked the boy was one of their tamest animals at the park, and was used in movies and shows.

“The cheetah was obviously intrigued by the boys on the bicycles and acted on instinct,” said Simpson. He stated that the park would be beefing up security at its gates to stop people using the park as a shortcut.

The boy was rushed to Life Fourways Hospital and is recovering at home.

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