
UPDATE: CPF questions motives of police video author

DOUGLASDALE - The Douglasdale Community Policing Forum (CPF) has questioned the validity of a video which allegedly depicts Douglasdale police officers refusing to open a case of alleged misconduct against a police reservist.

The footage was uploaded onto the website on 1 March, but according to the captions added to the video, by the author, the incident took place on 28 February at about midday. According to the accompanying text alongside the video, the complaint was being laid because the author of the video was unhappy that a police officer and a reservist did not open a case nor take any statements, when he called them about customers at his restaurant not paying a bill of R175. The author of the video then went to the police station and confronted the captain who was on duty, demanding to know the reservist’s name and force number.

Jean Berdou, chairperson of the forum said since there was no actual date stamp on the video it was hard to know all the facts about the incident. Berdou said over the past several weeks CPF volunteers have been doing double shifts at the station’s client service centre to ensure that residents were helped timeously, however none of the volunteers could confirm that this incident occurred, nor were any volunteers approached for assistance. “I’m not entirely convinced that the fault lies with the officer,” he said.

According to Berdou, the captain was well within her rights to withhold the name of the reservist as the author of the video appeared to be aggressive and rude, and he may not have given her all the facts.

“In this instance I cannot verify the date nor the time of the recording nor can I verify the accuracy or context of the complaint,” he said. “A simple viewing shows the fact that the complainant appears to have been more focused on generating adverse publicity for the police than in dealing with the matter.”

He explained that usually an issue of this nature would generate a request to deal with the station commander or other senior management instead of posting a video online.

Berdou said the forum urged community members who have any concerns or difficulties at the Douglasdale Police Station to approach the forum volunteers or senior management if necessary.

“Recording a video and posting it on a pubic forum is both unhelpful and unnecessary as the best practice is for the community to approach senior management for assistance and only then, if not satisfied, to take the matter further. “Constructive engagement usually produces best results,” he said.

Berdou and Warrant Officer Balan Muthan, head of communications for the Douglasdale Police Station said they were unaware at present of any officers being investigated for misconduct.

Read our previous story, VIDEO: Police officer allegedly refuses to open misconduct case.

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