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A tale of human kindness

FOURWAYS - When Gail Pocket and her friends broke down on their way to Indaba Hotel, they received help from an unexpected and touching source.

The three women, all over 60 years of age, were stuck in heavy traffic on their way to Meals on Wheels 50th anniversary celebration on 18 September, when their car overheated and they were forced to pull over onto the side of the road. Faced with a steaming car and a rush-hour crowd unwilling to stop, the women were at a loss until a one-armed man begging on the road outside Witkoppen Primary School rushed over to offer his assistance.

The man, friendly and eager to help, made two trips into the school to fetch water to cool the overheated car engine, and waited with Pocket and her friends while the engine cooled.

But the friends’ experience of heartwarming human kindness did not stop there. The roadside group was joined by the driver of a red taxi carrying a number of passengers. The man stopped to offer the assistance of his friend, a mechanic, who jumped out with tools at the ready, according to Pocket, and provided a cloth to protect the beggar’s hands against the heat of the engine.

Thanks to the efforts of these unlikely heroes, the women were able to start their car and drive slowly on their way. They reached the Indaba Hotel in safety, and made it home in one piece as well, says Pocket.

“Nobody came to our assistance except for these wonderful people,” said Pocket, who phoned the Fourways Review to express her thanks to her rescuers.

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One Comment

  1. What an amazing story!! There are good people out there and if only the rest of SA would follow in these heroes footsteps!

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