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Offenders graduate cum laude

LEEUWKOP - Leeuwkop Prison celebrated the achievements of Gauteng inmates graduating with tertiary qualifications from behind prison bars.

In a ceremony filled with positive encouragement and song, Leeuwkop Prison celebrated the achievements of 177 inmates from around Gauteng who have graduated with tertiary certificates, diplomas and degrees from Unisa, University of Johannesburg and other institutions. The 14th annual graduation ceremony held at the prison, reinforced the Department of Correctional Services’ commitment to empowering, rehabilitating and reintegrating offenders through education and skills development.

The hall filled with black-gowned graduates, decked out in their best clothes for the occasion, as well as their relatives, who welcomed the opportunity to make contact with and show support for their loved ones. Following graduation tradition, the ceremony opened with a performance of God Bless Africa by the Leeuwkop Medium C offender male choir.

The aim of the educational programmes offered by the Department of Correctional Services in partnership with Unisa and the University of Johannesburg is to ensure that society stops labelling reintegrated offenders as criminals not deserving of a second chance, emphasised Acting National Commissioner Zach Modise.

Modise joined other correctional services and education officials in speaking words of encouragement to the new graduates, emphasising the role that education, motivation and self-discipline have to play in transforming the lives of offenders, and urging the graduates to become good citizens who will help build South Africa’s future.

Graduates were then called onto the stage – some more than once – to receive certificates, diplomas and degrees in qualifications ranging from youth entrepreneurship, management and marketing to engineering, information technology and even theory of music. Proud family members clapped and cheered as the graduates were presented with the opportunity to change their course in life.

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