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Consternation over destructive construction

DOUGLASDALE - another new development has residents complaining, and councillors concerned about burgeoning development in Johannesburg North.

Construction projects on Balder Road and Russell Close, Douglasdale, have caused damage to the road surface and pavement, and Dale Manor residents have raised concerns about the integrity of the compound’s boundary wall.

Locals have experienced all the usual havoc of construction – with some particularly hair-raising incidents. One resident memorably came home to find a cement mixer in imminent danger of falling through his garden wall. Fortunately, no serious accidents have occurred, but construction vehicles have inflicted minor damage to walls, and the road surface is disintegrating under their weight.

Many worries stem from the digging of a trench close to the exterior wall of Dale Manor, for the installation of a storm water drain to service new developments. Residents fear summer rains will excavate the trench, which has been filled but not tarred, and undermine the wall’s foundations.

Ward 115 councillor Chris Santana said that, since the developer has approval to build the drain, residents have little choice but to wait until the project’s completion. Once construction is finished, the developer is responsible for ensuring the area is restored to its original condition. Failing this, council may advise the City of Johannesburg not to issue the development’s occupancy certificate until outstanding problems are resolved.

Disgruntled residents should log complaints with the City of Johannesburg, and forward their reference numbers to the local council. Only then will Santana be able to make demands of the city on residents’ behalf.

“As a councillor, my fight is one of oversight. I don’t log the calls,” he said.

For Santana, Douglasdale’s struggles are representative of a larger problem. With innumerable developments springing up around Johannesburg, the city’s infrastructure is struggling to cope. Without policy changes and the presence of city officials on the ground, councillors’ hands are tied.

“My concern is not with development as a whole – that will happen irrespective. My concern is with the services,” said Santana, “I’m looking at the bigger picture.”

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One Comment

  1. Now that the voting is finished so the promises of a new future varnish. Now you are on your own folks, the job of a councillor should be to keep his constituents happy. There are no such words as it is not my job.

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